3 Tips to Cope With Trauma

August 5, 2021

What Is Trauma?

In order to cope with trauma, its best to know what exactly trauma is. Trauma is the result of an experience that is either physically or psychologically harmful. It can come from any number of sources like a car accident, bullying, abuse, or a natural disaster. The experience causes negative effects on a person’s mental state and their ability to function in their daily life. It can affect people in many ways. Some people might get flashbacks that trigger memories of the trauma and make them feel like they are experiencing it all over again. Anxiety and poor sleep are also common symptoms for trauma victims. Mental health problems often develop as a result of trauma over time as well. Anxiety disorders, PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), depression, substance abuse, and suicidal thoughts or actions are all possible consequences for trauma victims.

The Importance of Self-Care for Trauma survivors

Self-care is an important aspect of recovery for trauma survivors. It can help to lower risk of developing symptoms like depression, substance abuse, and anxiety. Caring for oneself includes different activities or practices to keep oneself healthy and feeling safe in life. It can involve learning self-soothing skills, prioritizing one’s own needs, practicing relaxation techniques, etc. It is also important to know that self-care isn’t always easy or enjoyable. Practice and patience are required to find what works for you and doing so may be the difference between feeling great or not so great.

Step 1: Build a Safe Space and Seek Support from Family and Friends (Social Support)

The first step in the process of healing from trauma is to create a safe space for yourself. This could be a physical space, such as by using self-soothing techniques or creating an inner sanctuary, or it could be an emotional space. The second step is to seek support from family and friends, for instance by having someone you know available to talk to. Many people are badly affected by traumatic events and need professional help. Yet many people can also heal themselves with these two steps.

Step 2: Explore Creative Ways to Ease Emotional Pain and engage in Positive Activities (Mindfulness)

When we experience a traumatic event, it will often affect our sense of well-being. We are not able to cope with trauma as easily with everyday life, and we may find that it is difficult to get out of bed in the morning. The first step in the healing process is to allow ourselves to experience our feelings and have a way for them to be expressed. This can be through things like art therapy, meditation and/or journaling. The second step is to find ways to engage in positive activities. These activities are important because they help us focus on what’s good in life, which can help us feel more hopeful about the future and reduce our emotional pain.

Step 3: Track your thoughts and feelings (Journal Writing)

Journaling can be a helpful tool for those who are struggling with trauma. It can have many benefits, including the following: -Helps individuals process their thoughts and feelings about a traumatic event -Tracks changes in moods -Helps individuals understand their own responses to trauma -Allows for reflection on the self and how one copes with difficult situations It is important to write down your thoughts and feelings when you are healing from trauma. This process will help you to heal because it forces you to focus on your feelings, rather than the traumatic event itself. Journaling also helps people come up with solutions for problems and new ideas.


There’s no need to feel alone in coping with your trauma. There are people who will be there for you, whether it’s through professional help or just a friend to listen. You are not the only person who has gone through this, and you don’t have to face it by yourself.

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