
Manage End of Summer Anxiety

July 7, 2022

Many kids look forward to summer as a time to play, relax, and try new things. But for children with anxiety, summer can present some unique stressors. Here are a few common ways that summer… Continue reading

What’s Your Attachment Style?

July 15, 2021

What’s attachment theory?  Developed in the 1930s by psychologists John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth, attachment theory explains how we form relationships with others. Your relationship with your parents, or your primary caregiver, affects your relationship… Continue reading

5 Tips to Support Teen Mental Health

January 7, 2021

While we’ve entered a new year, the stress and uncertainty surrounding the pandemic is still present. This time has been difficult for everyone, but especially for teens. A recent survey by the American Psychological Association,… Continue reading