Dealing With Interpersonal Conflict at Work
Interpersonal conflict is a natural, inevitable consequence of working with people. There is bound to be some friction when there are different ideas, backgrounds, cultures, and working methods in the same team. Here are some tips on how you can deal with interpersonal conflict at work constructively so that it doesn’t tear your team apart:
Communicate effectively.
One of the main causes of interpersonal conflict at work is miscommunication. People don’t share enough information, they use different communication styles, or they don’t listen to each other. This can lead to misunderstandings that can escalate into bigger problems if left unresolved. To prevent this, make sure you are communicating effectively as a team. And as an individual, you need to know your communication style and be aware of your colleagues’ styles so you can speak their language and avoid miscommunications. Communication is a two-way street and the best way to use it effectively is to find a way to blend everyone’s styles together to make it a one-way street.
Set boundaries and practice empathy.
Conflict can be an opportunity for you to learn and grow as a person. However, you must find a way to do this that doesn’t cause harm to anyone else. When working in close quarters, it’s important to set boundaries that allow you to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Boundaries can help prevent you from getting burnt out and keep negative emotions from spilling into your personal life. Boundaries are healthy because they allow you to step back, take a deep breath and ask yourself the question: “How do I want to be treated?” This can help you draw a line in the sand to prevent a coworker or manager from treating you in an unprofessional or unhelpful way.
Empathy is the ability to see things from another person’s perspective and understand why they act or feel the way they do. This is particularly important when dealing with interpersonal conflict. You need to understand where your colleague is coming from before you can find a solution that works for everyone.
Ask for feedback
When you’ve been working together for a while, it’s important to ask your colleagues for feedback. You can do this at regular intervals, or if you want to resolve a current issue, ask for feedback on how you’re performing. When you ask for feedback from your colleagues, you open the lines of communication, and you make it easier for them to give you constructive criticism. Feedback is an opportunity to grow and improve as a person. It’s important to remember that feedback is not criticism. When someone gives you feedback, they’re not trying to tear you down or put you down. They’re simply letting you know how you can improve so that you can get the best results possible.