5 Tips for Better Loving
This month we asked our providers how to increase the positivity and connection in a couple relationship. They suggested scheduling a date night, and offered a few great tips to make date night fun and exciting:
- Try new things. Instead of going to your favorite restaurant, visit one you’ve never tried. Being adventurous allows you to enrich your relationship by creating new experiences together!
- Plan an activity on your own. Too often, we default to the last minute question “what do you want to do?” Instead, take the lead and surprise your partner by planning something fun ahead of time.
- Be romantic. It may seem cheesy, but small acts of romance show your partner that you care. Buy flowers, light candles at dinner time, open the door for your partner, or invite them to join you for a walk.
- Initiate touch. Physical and emotional connections are imperative to the success of a relationship. Hold your partner’s hand, kiss them, or put an arm around their shoulder. Even the occasional gentle, loving pat can make a difference.
- Keep trying. Research on happy couples indicates that for every negative interaction, a couple should experience five positive interactions. Keep this in mind, and try to make date night a regular routine rather than an activity that you pencil in occasionally.
If you are concerned about your relationship, or maybe just need a ‘Tune-Up’ contact us today to make an appointment.