3 Ways Therapy Can Help With Depression

April 15, 2021

Each year, an estimated 17 million adults suffer from depression. Depression is a serious mental health condition that involves prolonged feelings of sadness or hopelessness, and a loss of interest in things we once enjoyed. It can affect how we think, feel, interact with people, and go about our daily lives. Luckily, depression is highly treatable. There are many different types of therapy that can help.

Different Therapy Approaches

There are several different approaches that can help people with their depression. One is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). CBT can help patients learn to identify and manage negative thought and behavior patterns that contribute to depression. Another approach is Interpersonal Therapy. This type of therapy can help patients learn to improve their relationships with others, by expressing their emotions and solving problems in healthier ways.

It’s important to note that with therapy there is never one “right” approach. Therapists work closely with their patients to create a tailored therapy plan that works for them. While the approach may vary, there are many ways that therapy can help those of us who are struggling with depression.

3 Ways Therapy Can Help With Depression

1- Understand the Underlying Causes

Therapy can help us to better understand the life problems or underlying causes that contribute to our depression. This is an important first step. Once a patient can recognize the underlying cause, a therapist can help them also understand aspects of those problems that they may be able to solve.

2- Identify Negative Thinking Patterns

A therapist can also help us identify negative thinking patterns that contribute to our feelings of hopelessness or isolation. Many people with depression tend to overgeneralize things. They may tend to think in terms of things being “always” or “never” true. Therapy can help us to reconsider our negative self-talk that isn’t helping us.

3- Develop Strategies to Manage Depression

Lastly, therapy can help us adopt strategies to effectively manage our depression. After we develop the skills to cope with our symptoms and problems related to depression, we can regain a sense of control over our lives again. We can begin incorporating enjoyable, fulfilling activities back into our lives. Going to therapy regularly can help because a therapist can also help evaluate your progress and adjust strategies accordingly.

At Eugene Therapy, we believe there is no magic cure or magic pill for depression. Sometimes medication can help, and we do offer psychiatric prescribing services. Apart from medication, therapy can be a powerful tool to help manage depression. Eugene Therapy has therapists who specialize in depression counseling. We can help you find the causes of your feelings and how to treat them properly.

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